Responsible for the content of this website
Stadt Forchheim KdöR
Oberbürgermeister Dr. Uwe Kirschstein
Schulstr. 3
91301 Forchheim
Phone: +49 9191 714 – 0
Fax: +49 9191 714 – 277
VAT ID number according § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz:
DE 257895680
Editorial responsibility
Susanne Fischer
Kapellenstr. 16
91301 Forchheim
Phone: +49 9191 714 – 327
Contributors to this project
Susanne Fischer
Rolf Kießling, Susanne Fischer
English translation
Dr. David Branston, Martina Wesler
Graphic design
Nina Beckert, Kurt Neubauer, Grafikatelier Nürnberg
Simon Michael Schmitt, Great Hall Music
Marsha Cox, Sven Waasner, Adam Lawrence
Webdevelopment and support
Dominik Scholz, Webdesign
Video credits
Station 11: Animation of the Forchheim synagogue and mikveh
Wiegärtner Visuals GmbH
Photo credits
Station 2: Pfalzmuseum Forchheim
Francesco Lopez
Station 2: Staging "Jews and National Socialism" at the Pfalzmuseum Forchheim
Pfalzmuseum Forchheim
Station 3: The town hall of Forchheim
Tourismusmanagement Stadt Forchheim
Station 4: The Forchheim town hall square with the war fountain
Tourismusmanagement Stadt Forchheim
Station 5: Bankhaus Schmidt at Sattlertorstraße 6
Pfalzmuseum Forchheim
Station 5: Sattlertorstraße 6 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 6: Hauptstraße 13 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 7: Hauptstraße 11 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 7: The Rosenthal department stores' at Hauptstraße 11
Pfalzmuseum Forchheim
Station 8: Hauptstraße 11 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 9: Bamberger Straße 8 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 9: Max Zeiller (in picture on the right)
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 163
Station 10: Wiesentstraße 1 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 11: The Forchheim synagogue (3rd building on the right edge of the picture)
Marion Grimm
Station 11: Uncovering the mikveh during construction work in 1989
Stadtarchiv Forchheim
Station 11: Unknown artist - The Forchheim Synagogue, painting
Pfalzmuseum Forchheim
Station 11: Wiesentstraße 15 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 12: The Forchheim Synagogue
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 20024, p. 187
Station 12: The Forchheim synagogue after the demolition in 1938
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 189
Station 13: Anton and Paula Bauer 1951
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 226
Station 13: Ludwig Bauer at his graduation in Sydney in 1949
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 225
Station 14: The monument on the Wiesent
Susanne Fischer
Station 15: Hornschuchallee 4 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 16: Hornschuchallee 11 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 16: Moses Moritz Zeiller
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 71
Station 17: Wiesentstraße 16 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 18: Marktplatz 5 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 19: Marktplatz 1 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 19: Samuel and Marie Kleemann with son Willy
Inge Geiler: Wie ein Schatten sind unsere Tage, Frankfurt/Main 2012, img. 16
Station 20: Kleemann memorial
Susanne Fischer
Station 20: Wilhelm Kleemann
Inge Geiler: Wie ein Schatten sind unsere Tage, Frankfurt/Main 2012, img. 28
Station 21: St. Johannis Church in 2023
Susanne Fischer
Station 22: Foil and Coating Factory in 2023
Station 22: Foil and Coating Factory, 1962
Station 24: Deportation of 8 Jewish persons on 29.11.1941 from Forchheim to the camp Riga-Jungernhof
Stadtarchiv Forchheim
Station 24: Deportation of Gottlieb Braun on 29.11.1941
Stadtarchiv Forchheim
Station 24: Jenny Abraham
Staatsarchiv Bamberg K9/9011
Station 24: Leo Abraham
Staatsarchiv Bamberg K9/9011
Station 25: Julius Braun's department stores' at Paradeplatz 4
Harald Schmidt
Station 25: Julius Braun's department stores' at Paradeplatz 4
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 143
Station 25: Paradeplatz 4 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 26: Hauptstraße 64 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 26: Hauptstraße 65 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 26: Philipp Gröschel's house of fabrics at Hauptstraße 64
Michael Wuttke
Station 26: Rose and Bernhard Gröschel
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 226
Station 27: Hauptstraße 64 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 27: Hauptstraße 65 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 28: Hauptstraße 54 in 2023
Susanne Fischer
Station 29: Apothekenstraße 4 in 2023
Thomas Hierl
Station 29: Hebrew inscription 1720
Rolf Kießling: Juden in Forchheim, Forchheim 2004, p. 15
Station 30: The Jewish cemetery in Baiersdorf
Susanne Fischer
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