Salie Braun’s washing
Station 25 • Paradeplatz 4
Emma Rosalie Braun, known as Salie was a daughter of Julius Braun from Kunreuth who moved, around 1870, to Forchheim with his family. He opened a “store” at Paradeplatz 4 where he sold bedclothes and feather beds. After her father’s death Salie, who was unmarried, took the business over. On November 12th, 1938, three days after the Pogrom Night her shop was closed down. At the time Salie was also the carer of her aged mother, Karolina.
The NSDAP designated the house at Paradeplatz 4 as the Jews’ House. Any Jew in Forchheim who did not own a house was forced to live here. Karolina Braun died in February 1942. One month later on 23rd March her daughter Rosalie was deported.
Shortly before, Salie had brought her washing and some shirts to a neighbour who should take care of the washing basket and its contents until her return. But Salie never did return. She was deported to the ghetto at Izbica in East Poland and murdered in a concentration camp. Salie’s washing was presented to the museum in 2016. The fine embroidery of her name “Salie” is a reminder of her to this day.