Jüdischer Pfad Forchheim

Brought to safety – living in exile

Station 8 • Hauptstraße 11

Some Jews from Forchheim managed to emigrate from Germany in time. From 1937 onwards Robert Bayreuther lived in the USA, in 1939 Willy Bayreuther emigrated to Canada via England. The Wertheim family fled to Cuba, Anton Bauer ended up in Australia. Irmgard Gröschel reached Switzerland as an unaccompanied child (Kindertransport), her parents Bernhard and Rose Gröschel fled to the USA. For many the fresh start in a strange country was difficult. Not speaking the foreign language they had to start with simple jobs. The textile merchant Bernhard Gröschel recycled zip fasteners from old clothes. The emigrants frequently managed to ensure that their children received a good education. Thus, many achieved professional advancement, e.g., Ludwig Bauer who became Professor of Chemistry at the University of Chicago.

Hauptstraße 11 in 2023
Hauptstraße 11 in 2023